In his message for Lent, 2009, Pope Benedict talks about fasting, one of the 3 pillars of Lenten observance. He shows how fasting is grounded in Scriptures, and how it goes all the way back to the creation of man/ woman. In this message, the Pope continues/ reiterates the point he made in his homily for last Sunday, where he talked about the absence of God as man's deepest illness. Of fasting, he says:
Denying material food, which nourishes our body, nurtures an interior disposition to listen to Christ and be fed by His saving word. Through fasting and praying, we allow Him to come and satisfy the deepest hunger that we experience in the depths of our being: the hunger and thirst for God.”
May this season of Lent and our joyful observance of fasting truly allow us to feel the God alone can satisfy our deepest hunger.
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