The first 2 chapters of Mark presents Jesus as a healer, a miracle worker. People flock to him from all sides. This last couple of Sundays, we heard Jesus expelling the demon, healing Simon's mother in-law, cleansing the leper, and now, healing the paralytic, and forgives his sins. Pope Benedict follows the Scriptural understanding of these miracles as "signs"... signs of what?
"I refer to these healings as signs: They guide toward the message of Christ, they guide us toward God and make us understand that man's truest and deepest illness is the absence of God, who is the fount of truth and love. And only reconciliation with God can give us true healing, true life, because a life without love and without truth would not be a true life. The Kingdom of God is precisely the presence of truth and love, and thus it is healing in the depths of our being" (Angelus Message, Feb, 8, 2009).*
May the healing love of God touch us through Jesus that we may truly be healed from the depths of our hearts, and be fully reconciled with God.
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