Monday, October 03, 2005

little things...big love...great effect

last saturday, we celebrated the feast of st therese of lisieux or st. therese of the child jesus. as many of us know, she was a carmelite nun who died at age 24, but because she did the LITTLE/ ORDINARY THINGS that she was doing in the convent (like washing dishes, cooking food, watering the plans, scrubbing the floor etc) with a BIG/ EXTRAORDINARY LOVE, these had GREAT EFFECTS, because she offered them to God, especially for the missionaries. Hence, she is also the patroness of the missions. Her way is thus called "the little way."


questions for reflection/ sharing:
- what are little things that i do everyday which i can offer to God for others?
- or am i able to do the ordinary things in everyday life with big love? if not, why not?
- do i trust that if i do little things with big love, these will have great effects?

please feel free to respond to these points and share your reflections...salamat and have a good week and month ahead of you...

october is rosary month...i encourage everyone to try to pray
the rosary daily this month...