Monday, May 08, 2006

What is your Name?

The fourth Sunday of Easter is usually called the Good Shepherd Sunday,
and the readins for tat Sunday and for the new few days are about Jesus as
the Good Shepherd. One striking thought in Jesus' discourse about the Good
Shepherd is his calling each of his sheep by name.

We don't call just anyone by their first names. We call by name only those we know personally and with whom we are related in one way or another. And with those
with whom we are closer, we have names of endearment, which only we and the person
to whom we have given the name can appreciate. For every person in every kind of
relationship, we have a name. The closer the relationship, the more special the name.

Perhaps Jesus has a special name for each of us? What could be Jesus' name for you?
And what is your name for Jesus?