Sunday, April 09, 2006

Welcoming Jesus Christ Today

On the first Palm Sunday, people gave Jesus a royal welcome proclaiming Him the Son of David. By calling 'Son of David', the people were pinning on Him their messianic hopes...that He is the one who will free them from their enslavement under the Roman powers. But Jesus's Messiahship was not according to their perspective. He was a Messiah that would suffer and die. Only later on, after His resurrection would everything make sense.

Today, Jesus comes to us in the poor, sick, suffering and marginalized. Ought we not to give Him the same royal welcome that He was given two thousand years ago. Would he not feel much honored if we feed the hungery, clothe the naked, etc,
as he himself has said, "whenever you do this to the least of my brethren, you did it to me?"

We pray that this Holy Week may truly be a blessed one for all of us!

1 comment:

VDJblog said...

Good because brief!