Thursday, July 28, 2005

True Treasure

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Pearl of Great Price were read in Masses last Sunday and yesterday. Both parables invite us to reflect on these questions: "What are our treasures in life? Are these treasures for real?" I proposed to the congregation that the characteristics of true treasures are: invisibility, innumerability and immortality. Earthly treasures, while important, do not meet these criteria. But generosity, kindness and love do. May we, then, invest our time and talent and in seeking these treasures. In the process, we hope to find the only one true treasure, Christ Himself. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eiy Norlan!

I am so happy that you are able to have your first blog. I will visit you blog from time to time read your reflections. The true treasure message is a great reminder to us.

Ingat always and enjoy.

Peter and Teng